Artificial Intelligence Software -AIOne rescheduled.Find out more

AI products launch has been rescheduled

AIOne 2025 Edition Available- Infra Package.

Do you want to go HOME early with a teatime by our AIOne?


Our most anticiptated generation software with Artificial Intelligence(AI) features in year 2023.
How our AI features in software will change YOUR whole life in civil engineering!
Our Automation make YOUR life better.
Simple - The simplicity makes a difference. How simple with our software to make YOU ready a design.
Confidence - Software by Engineers for Engineers. Software fully developed by our experience civil engineers. No by sales engineers or others.
Ready - The AI features not ONLY can make YOU go HOME early. Even now come with a Tea-break.

All common tedious tasks will be handled by our AI
  • Proposed levels in earthworks
  • Drainage and sewerage levels design
  • Drainage catchments assignation.
  • Water supply draw off take off. .
  • Population equivalents (PE) take off for sewerage
What you need to do?
  • Basic CAD drafting in any CAD software. Like line, polyline and text will do.
  • Import into our AIOne
  • Small setting in AIOne
  • The rest of works will be handled by our AI.
  • You just need to evaluate the result of design
Common features
  • Report
  • 3D Model
  • 2D layout
  • Profiles
  • CAD interface

We strongly believe a software MUST

Software by engineers for engineers

Products AIOne 2020

  • Drain AI -Drainage
  • Sewer AI -Sewerage
  • Water AI -Water Supply
  • Zeon Earth -3D Earthworks(None AI)
  • Zeon Storm -Detention System(None AI)

Artificial Intelligence Software -AIOne 202* Beta Edition.Find out more

Our Core Products

Since 1994, we have built a range of products, i.e.commercial and non-commercial products. Civil engineering software such as Earthworks, Water supply, Drain and sewer network analysis and design, MSMA application. Structural engineering software are BS8110 beam design, BS8110 Two way slab design, STAAD Tank Modeler. Below are our products of the year 2019

ZeonBrics, ZeonEarth and BricsSection are 64bit system

Training Photos view here.

AIOne Apps

Our new artificial intelligence applications are completely the FUTURE of applications. forefront of technology.

The automation makes your life difference.

Guidelines being supported are the MSMA 2nd edition, Singapore PUB guidline, SWMM, EPANET, SPAN, MS1288.


A comprehensive software package which cover ALL CHAPTERS of Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia 2nd Edition.

Our signature suite

X Series Apps

Our new X Series applications are completely re-write the applications to meet change of technology. State of art on latest technology.

The user interface has been uniform to has better user experience and friendly on operating the software.

Guidelines being supported are the MSMA 2nd edition, Singapore PUB guidline, SWMM, EPANET, SPAN, MS1288.

Zeon Apps

A range of ZEON products such as Zeon Earth, Zeon Brics and Zeon Viewer

We offer service on customization of product development

Third Parties Products

BricsCAD V24

"Bricsys Founders"

Met Founders of Bricsys 2015 German and 2016 HongKong.

Alternative CAD. Now V24 is available.

A CAD application comes with BIM-BricsCAD BIM. Now BIM feature with civil works -site modelling.

Please contact us for details

Others Products


Cross section application which can import data from ZEON EARTH and HEC-RAS. Detailing enhancement on profile built.

uCivil Apps

uCivil is an application which run in CAD platform BricsCAD Pro V18. It is a quick access application that can help to compute important stormwater parameters such as time of concentration, channel time, catchment area, discharge, C run off coefficient etc.

It mainly use in computation of main drain design.

Guideline being supported is the MSMA 2nd edition and Singapore PUB guidline.


Cross section application which can uses the generate cross section in Bricscad version 15 or later

Surveyor and civil engineering CAD Utilities

CAD Utilities for Bricscad. It contains 73 module utilities. We are keep on adding new modules. One of utilities is it can import EXCEL file content by selected a range of cell.


Books written by us.

Type of Products

We have two types of products. Subscription license base product and perpeptual license.

  • Perpeptual license- The license is life time (technical support is not life time)
  • Subscription license- The license is valid for one year from date of purchased. After that you need to renew the license to enjoy another year of usage.
  • Welcome come back charges- The technical support, subscription or yearly maintenance has been expired more than 3 months which we will impose a charge rate to any of products.

All software is provided as-is.

A newly purchased will entitle to have one year FREE technical support.

Year after expiration of Free technical support will require to subscrib to a yearly maintenance. A yearly maintenance is required for continue technical support. It is not a complusory but highly recommended.

We will impose additional charges for any lapped maintenance.

Software Maintenance and Updates

Software Maintenance and Updates. Please refer to Software Maintenance and Updates

Technical support

Technical Support. Please refer to support policy

Products lifecycle

Products lifecycle. Please refer to Products lifecycle