• "Claim your 1st fee"
  • "No more worry."
  • "Automation"
  • "CAD Drawing"
  • "Drain"
  • "Drain"
  • "Drain"

The launching of this suite has been postponed.

AIOne Suite- 1st Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering Software Industries.


We started our business on first detention pond software in year 2006. Through the years, we were started to introduce several infrastructure applications which comprised of main core components in civil engineering software. Such as Drainage networks analysis and design, Sewerage networks analysis and design, earthworks design and water reticulation. These applications are important in consultant design office. One of the special about these applications is they are not a "static" applications because along the time, there will be many new rules or guideline being introduced into market mainly by government. Therefore, these applications need to always update to meet the latest requirements. Else they will be "DEAD". However, besides the important of rules and regulations incorporated into applications. There will be another factor of user friendliness of operating the software. Are the applications can be easily learning and operate? Are them steep learning curve? However, one of most important factor on applications is the human behavior on adoption of new technology in their company. As we understand human is reluctant to change, they like to go with similar life style even though the new technology will help them tremendously in their daily works. For example, they still willing to perform manual design instead to it can be done by computer.

We know that there are many civil engineering software in market. Even some of them are NOT civil engineers who built the software. They never went to design firm to practice before. Be aware on this. We believe most of their features look behave or mimic the same with us. We put our main stand on the fundamental of civil engineering and practicallity of engineering works. The practicality only can be achieved by practice in consultancy firm with site experience.


Remember we have our main team who leads by our Professional Engineer Ir Chee who has passion on civil engineering software development. Since 1994, He has spent substaintal of time of research and development of software. Only we are strongly recommended YOU to find more reliable company which developed the software. Remember Software must by engineers for engineers. Not by sales engineer. This what we strongly believe on. Confident

We always on the edge of technology, we always approached by new idea, new technology, new methodology. Until we cannot totally catch up with the changes in Information technology. For instance, now IT are talking on machine learning. Is our engineering being ready for it? No matter how, we are here to try bridging this gap with our engineering world. As the time passed, we noted with concern that the technology that we have been used and maintain for years has been came to a bottom neck where the growth of new technology in our application will no longer adequate. As result, we have decided to re-write our applications. It just like Microsoft Windows on new Windows 7 up to Windows 10 and dropped the Windows XP technology. The similarity is happened to us.

Since the introduction of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in world, we are started to explore AI in our civil engineering software. We had spent at least 3 years on AI. Eventually, we have developed our own Artificial Intelligence in our software. We are started integrate our AI into our engineering software.

Artificial Intelligence prediction accuracy 80%

Now our AI software can ready a 1st design for You. Our accuracy is about 80%. You are almost do NOTHING in data input in software. What you need to do is to WAIT the result from AI!

Now we had developed a set of civil engineering software where are managed by our AI features. We have named it as AIOne because currently it is ONLY One Artificial Intelligence software in market. Right now, we believe that foreign software do not have it.

Data entry

What we really exploring into the AI is the tedious tasks in operating general software. i.e. data entry. Data entry needs user attention. User needs to prepare data entry. Such as proposed levels for earhworks, drainage will be catchment of each channels. water supply of draw off or water demand of each node, furthest hydrant possible from tapping point. Sewerage system on PE computation of each manhole.
User needs to spend some time to prepare these data before user can go to operate the software.

Learning curve

Another part we are exploring is the learning curve. We noted with concern that learning curve is one of the important elements in software. User needs to learn how to operate software? User needs time to understand and remember it. Somehow do remember that at most of the time, user may not all the time operate software. User may now doing earthworks, then drainage, sewerage or water supply. Afterthat, it may be taken user to back to software may few months later. Do user really can remember how to operate the software? User may need to contact support to re-call it. User needs to go for another training. These all are down time for user.


One more we are exploring is the drafting. The drafting is the basic engineering works. Any engineering projects will need to prepare engineering drawings. Somehow, one main senario that happending in market is companies are engaging engineers to operate software and do drafting. It is because most of engineering software need operator to do drafting togeher. We believe this is a WRONG approach in developed engineering software. Task of drafting shall taken by draft person. Engineer does engineer tasks NOT drafting. Indrectly, a company will pay salary of engineer to do drafting. Where engineer has taken his time on drafting NOT engineering tasks. As a result, cost of operating company is increased. Therefore, we also explore on this matter. What we look into it is the task of drafting has to go back to draft person.


Finally, the most important task wil be the deliverable of project design. Not the software. Engineer's client will not interested how engineer prepare the design. Whether engineer used Finite Element, any theories and concept. The client needs the result. If a software taken so much of time on preparing a design, all the members in the firm will fall into a dilemma of pressure. All members in high alert on projects. Everyone needs to stay back to prepare the design for client. Else the firm may lost projects from the client.

AIOne Suite 2025

1st Design by Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Our new breakthrough in engineering software industrial by Artificial Intelligence(AI). Our invented software is a set of infrastructure civil engineering software. It comprises of earthworks(ZeonAI), drainage(DrainAI), sewerage(SewerAI) and water supply(WaterAI) and StormAI(Detention Pond and OSD-coming soon...). These all are Future generation of our software. Our AIOne is a begining on Artificial Intelligence technology in our software. Many more to come.

Automation by Artificial Intelligence

What is the main feature of this AIOne is our AIOne can delivery the 1st design of civil engineering works by our Artificial Intelligence elements. All can be DONE by minimum affort of interruption of human being. What user needs to put attention will be in preparing the engineering drawing in DRAFTING. The momnet drafting ready, our AIOne data entry in ready. In a way, one set of data entry. Not like many software in market, user needs to prepare drafting, then data entry in software afterward, drafting again. AIOne just has drafting, Run software and drafting. One level is missing. Time saving.

Main Approaches

  • Our AIOne can is cut down one set of data entry in software input. Input is DONE in drafting. Business own no more worry on manpower.
  • Operation cost is cut down. Data can be done by draft person not engineer.
  • Speed of delivarable of project design is increase tremendously.
  • Eventually engineer can collect fees faster and do more projects.

This is our development approach, we are NOT invest heavily in features. We are doing on overall process of civil engineering design. this approach ONLY can achieved by our Ir Chee who went through the whole process in consultancy firm practice. We understand what consultancy engineers want! Where we want to ensure our users will benefit on our vision of Software by Engineers for Engineers.

General Features

  • Software by engineers for engineers
  • 1st Infra design is designed by Artificial Intelligence
  • Manage from CAD drawing where it is the basic engineering works
  • No more double entry in AIOne. Single data entry
  • Short learning curve. Start from drafting
  • Engineering judge come after 1st design is DONE
  • Minimum manpower in operating AIOne
  • 3D Model

General AIOne Summary

Activity Market Software AIOne
1st Design No Auto
Go Home Early No Yes
Task draft person clearly define No Yes
Task engineer clearly define No Yes
Data Preparation User Auto
Data Entry User Auto
Computation User Auto
Profile User Auto
Report User Auto
Full 3D Model User Auto
3D CAD Drawing No Auto
Drafting User User

Do you want to go HOME early with a teatime?

Your main task mainly 90% on DRAFTING!

AIOne 2025 Products

  • DrainAI - Drainage Networks Analysis and Design
  • WaterAI - Water Reticulation Analysis and Design
  • SewerAI - Sewerage Networks Analysis and Design
  • ZeonEarth - 3D Earthworks application(None AI)
  • ZeonStorm - Detention Pond and OSD Design(None AI).

DrainAI- Drainage networks analysis and design:

The unique of DrainAI is it is able to generate a compatible output that can able to run in a world popular open source Stormwater Management Model software named EPA SWMM. We have integrated the CAD environment to ease on user to transfer the content in CAD into SWMM model. It can save tremendous time on CAD operation. Furthermore, we have integrated certain guideline such as our Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia 2nd Edition and Singapore Stormwater guideline PUB. It is the best solution for SWMM on those people who want to have SWMM function with our guideline plus CAD interface.

Signature Feature: Auto Catchment


  • Auto 1st design by Artificial Intelligence
  • Read direct from CAD drawing
  • Minimum input in DrainAI
  • Auto Project Title from CAD
  • Auto catchment for each channel
  • Auto detect crossing culvert
  • Auto disable catchment for culvert
  • Auto insert drain table with legend
  • Auto channel length or user define
  • Auto sizing design
  • Auto channel level computation
  • Auto channel profiling
  • Auto insert channel table with legend
  • Auto sump orientaion
  • Auto node sorting for over lapping in layout
  • Auto node level generation
  • Auto outlet detection
  • Auto summary table
  • Auto flow direction
  • Auto 3D model
  • Auto read weighted c values from ZeonAI
  • Data entry can manage by draft person. Low level operator
  • Standard channel shape
  • Customize channel shape
  • ARI design criteria
  • Customize channel level control
  • Customize node level control
  • Customize user define channel profile
  • Breakdown channel calculation
  • Report in Excel and Words format
  • Full 3D model
  • 3D model exportable into dwg. Can be view by any 3D CAD software like BricsCAD Pro
  • 2D layout exportable into dwg
  • Support 4 guideline. MSMA2, SUSTOM, PUB and SWMM
  • Compatible to SWMM

WaterAI- Water Supply design:

The special of WaterAI is it is able to generate a compatible output that can able to run in another world popular open source software named EPANET. It is the same as xDrain, we have integrated the CAD environment to ease on user to transfer the content in CAD into EPANET model. It can save huge time on CAD operation. Most important we also incorporated water supply guideline SPAN for Malaysia into the xWater. Furthermore, we even compile each states of water authorities in Malaysia on their individual guideline into xWater. It is a recommended solution for those people who want to have EPANET function that run together with our integrated guideline. Also supporting CAD interface such as AutoCAD 2018 dwg format.

Signature Feature: Auto draw off and auto general valves proposal


  • Auto 1st design by Artificial Intelligence
  • Read direct from CAD drawing
  • Minimum input in WaterAI
  • Auto Project Title from CAD
  • Auto drawoff computation for each node
  • Auto general valves generation-air valve, sluice valve and scour valve
  • Auto breakdown water demand table for each node
  • Auto insert pipe table with legend
  • Auto global water demand table
  • Auto pipe length or user define
  • Auto sizing design
  • Auto node level generation
  • Auto summary table
  • Auto pipe profiling
  • Auto 3D model
  • Auto outlet detection
  • Auto node sorting for over lapping in layout
  • Auto finding furthest hydrant location
  • Auto flow direction
  • Data entry can manage by draft person. Low level operator
  • Standard pipe shape
  • Customize pipe shape
  • Design case in average flow and peak flow
  • Customize pipe level control
  • Customize user define pipe profile
  • Report in Excel and Words format
  • Full 3D model
  • 3D model exportable into dwg. Can be view by any 3D CAD software like BricsCAD Pro
  • 2D layout exportable into dwg
  • Support SPAN guideline or breakdown each Malaysia State's water authorities(subject to change)
  • Compatible to EPANET

SewerAI- Sewerage networks analysis and design

It is never links up with any popular open source software but it will similarity feature in either DrainAI or WaterAI. Only it is for sewerage system. It is integrated with SPAN guideline and with our Malaysia Standard MS1228. With the understanding of operation knowledge in xDrain and xWater, user will not difficult to catch up this SewerAI application. Overall, it has the similarity UI with DrainAI and WaterAI.

Signature Feature: Auto PE


  • Auto 1st design by Artificial Intelligence
  • Read direct from CAD drawing
  • Minimum input in SewerAI
  • Auto Project Title from CAD
  • Auto breakdown PE computation for each manhole
  • Auto insert sewer table, manhole table with legend
  • Auto pipe length or user define
  • Auto sizing design
  • Auto node level generation
  • Auto pipe profiling
  • Auto summary table
  • Auto flow direction
  • Auto 3D model
  • Auto node sorting for over lapping in layout
  • Auto outlet detection
  • Data entry can manage by draft person. Low level operator
  • Standard pipe shape
  • Customize pipe shape
  • Customize pipe level control
  • Customize user define pipe profile
  • Breakdown pipe calculation
  • Report in Excel and Words format
  • Full 3D model
  • 3D model exportable into dwg. Can be view by any 3D CAD software like BricsCAD Pro
  • 2D layout exportable into dwg
  • Support SPAN guideline

ZeonEarth - 3D Earthworks design(None AI) Signature Product:

A fully 3D model earthworks software which can delivery What You See and What You Get in earthworks design. The 3D model to ensure constructability of earthworks at site.


  • Auto 1st design by Artificial Intelligence
  • Read direct from CAD drawing
  • Minimum input in ZeonAI
  • Auto Project Title from CAD
  • Auto Proposed Levels
  • Auto Road levels
  • Auto Platform levels to suit frontage of road
  • Auto identify frontage of road
  • Auto profiling. Lazy mode with express plotting profiles
  • Auto profiling in any direction
  • Auto Summary Table
  • Auto Final layout
  • Auto Slope with auto projected into project boundary(Premium Edition)
  • Auto C Values for stormwater data. It is used in DrainAI and StormAI(later)
  • Data entry can manage by draft person. Low level operator
  • Report in Words format
  • Full 3D model
  • 3D computation
  • Color Elevation height in 3D
  • Cut fill depth in 2D layout
  • 2D combination view
  • WYSWYG - What you see what you get
  • 3D combination view
  • 3D model exportable into dwg. Can be view by any 3D CAD software like BricsCAD Pro
  • 2D layout exportable into dwg
  • 3D PDF

Do you want to go HOME early with a teatime?

Automation changes your lifestyle

Why wait?

Email to sales@civilstructural.com.my ask for AIOne

“Software by Engineers for Engineers”

Examples Output:

Do you want to go HOME early with a teatime?

Automation changes your lifestyle

Why wait?

Email to sales@civilstructural.com.my ask for AIOne

“Software by Engineers for Engineers”