xCAD- Surveyor and civil engineering CAD Utilities in ZWCAD2017 Professional
CAD Utilities in surveyor field. Currently it has achieved 73 modules. We still adding new modules to it. It contains of:
Support ZWCAD2017 Pro ZWSOFT APP+
- Draw polyine/3d polyline with Area/perimeter length/Bearing.
- Pick polyline to compute area/perimmeter length/bearing.
- Auto increase numbering/lower character abc/upper character ABC on user picks Text entity in CAD.
- Rotate a Text entity in 180degree. Text entity alignment is Left.
- Auto increase numbering system in a selected polygon.
- Draw predefine text to horizontal or to a select angle.
- Import a selected range in EXCEL file into table entity of CAD.
- Freeze/unfreeze all layers except current layer.
- On/Off all layers except current layer.
- Draw polyline with label
- Draw polygon with plot prefix text
- Add Standard Text
- Lock/unlock all layers accept current layer.
- Calculate summation of number in group of number texts.
- Auto increase number for text.
- Auto increase smaller letter.
- Auto increase cap letter.
- Convert meter to feet vise versa.
- Convert square meter to square feet vise versa.
- Change Z value to zero.
- Draw breakline.
- Draw bisector.
- Draw double lines.
- Draw offset line.
- Add value to number text.
- Auto length summation.
- Add/delete prefix to text.
- Change to lower/upper case.
- Underline/un-underline text.
- Increase/decreaes text height.
- Convert text entity to MText entity.
- Polyline points to text.
- Set number of decimal point to number text.
- Draw rebars.
- Delete duplicated entities.
- Linear interpolation.
- Plane interpolation.
- Import coordinates.
- Copy with increament value.
- Obtain X,Y, Z coordinate.
- Obtain polyline coordinates. And many more...
Purchase here-Please contact us sales@civilstructural.com.my.
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- Free update for 1 year
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